Hi, I'm Marnie, I am passionate about creating botanical jewellery and gifts that celebrate the beauty and diversity of nature. I use natural materials, such as flowers and leaves to craft unique and handmade pieces that reflect the seasons, the landscape and the personalities of my customers. I aim to provide high qualtiy products that are eco-friendly, sustainable and ethical. I hope seeing the beauty in nature will create a desire in us all to protect it for future generations.
For as long as I can remember I have felt such a strong desire to be creative. I am at my happiest in the woods with my camera and if I am very lucky my kids come too. Born and bred in Scotland I am passionate about our beautiful landscape, traditions and talented creatives we have here in Scotland. I love sculpting and ran my own pottery for many years. More recently I started running local arts and craft classes, which has been full of wonderful surprises, I had no idea I would love teaching so much, sharing my love for art and crafts is such a joy, and something I hope to continue doing for many years. Marnie